Infant Inclined Sleeper Recalls Continue
The number of recalled inclined sleeper devices continues to grow as the Consumer Product Safety Commission announces yet another warning about a dangerous baby product. The Kolcraft Cuddle ‘N Care 2-in-1 Bassinet & Inclined Sleeper and Preferred Position 2-in-1 Bassinet & Inclined Sleeper is the latest in a long line of recalled products designed to incline babies as they sleep. More than 73 infants have died of hypoxic injuries stemming from such devices.
A Growing Awareness
While initial headlines placed blame on only a few specific inclined sleeper products, there is a growing awareness of the danger associated with any and all inclined sleepers. Though these products can soothe babies to sleep, they also run the risk of causing babies to roll over to their sides or stomachs. This limits the child’s ability to breathe effectively, leading to hypoxic injuries and, in some cases, suffocation. This has led the Consumer Product Safety Commission to recall multiple varieties of inclined sleepers. Experts now believe any incline beyond 10 degrees is potentially life-threateningly dangerous to infants. Most inclined sleepers on the market are reclined more than 30 degrees.
Watching for Recalls
Busy parents don’t have time to monitor the Consumer Product Safety Commission on a daily basis. If you’re concerned about the safety of an inclined sleeper device in your home, stop using it immediately. Don’t wait for the official recall to be announced – any incline can lead to serious, life-threatening injuries to babies. If your child has suffered a hypoxic injury or death because of one of these inclined sleepers, call or text our firm as soon as possible.
Inclined Sleeper Injury & Death Lawsuits
In some cases, families may wish to pursue legal action against the companies who sell these products. While every case is different, a Virginia defective baby products lawyer can help families who have suffered because of lax safety standards. Contact our injury lawyers anytime at 877.544.5323.