You're More Likely to Get Into an Accident After Daylight Saving's Time - Here's Why

This weekend, we’ll “fall back” and snag an extra hour of sleep. But what does the end of Daylight Saving’s Time mean for drivers? In many cases, it means increased chances of getting into an accident.

Why? There are a few contributing factors.

For starters, the time change means the sun sets an hour earlier in our days. That means we’re commuting home in the darkness, which makes visibility a real challenge. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that pedestrians walking during rush hour were three times more likely to be fatally struck by a car after the clocks changed in autumn.

Conversely, there is a decrease in pedestrian deaths every spring when the clocks spring forward.

Researchers found that it isn’t sleep, nor the number of hours of darkness to blame. It’s the fact that drivers and pedestrians alike have spent all summer adjusting their habits to a light-filled commute. It’s not surprising, then, that they need a few days or weeks in the fall to adjust back to getting around in the near darkness.

But changes in sleep patterns can add to this problem, experts say. The time change can mean several days or even weeks of interrupted sleep patterns. In order to avoid this problem, they recommend increasing your exposure to natural light during the day. Get plenty of fresh air and physical activity in during the afternoon so you’ll sleep like a baby that night! Of course, turning off electronics for the last hour before bed can also help you wind down easier.

Virginia Personal Injury Lawyers

The Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, P.C. has helped victims injured in accidents for over 30 years. If you or your loved one has been injured because of someone else’s negligence, contact us for a free consultation. Their is no obligation, and you don’t owe us any legal fees unless we settle or win your case.