Why Driving Drowsy Can Be Fatal
We’ve all been guilty of it at one point or another – chugging coffee behind the wheel. Whether you do it first thing in the morning on your commute to work, or late at night on a road trip, battling drowsiness in the driver’s seat is all too common.
With the holidays right around the corner, more people will be on the roads – and for longer periods of time. Millions of Americans are expected to travel more than 50 miles from home to celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Many of those drivers will get into their cars for long road trips early in the morning or after work – the exact opposite times recommended by safety experts. Car accidents spike around rush hours and in the hours between 2:00 and 4:00 AM, in part due to drowsy drivers.
Tired drivers also more likely to get into accidents on long stretches of monotonous roads. Without much concentration needed, drivers can slip into “highway hypnosis,” lulling them into a false sense of security.
When a person falls asleep – even for a few seconds – at the wheel, they risk their lives, the lives of their passengers, and the lives of everyone else on the same stretch of road. It takes mere moments to lose control of your vehicle, to collide into another car or to drive off road.
Whether you’re traveling for the holidays or sticking close to home, avoid driving drowsy at all costs. No matter what time of the year, driving while tired can be fatal.
Virginia Car Accident Lawyers
The Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, PC has dealt with the insurance companies for over 30 years. We will deal with the complicated legal and insurance issues so that you can focus on getting better. Setup a consultation to discuss your rights. It’s free, and there is no obligation.