Millions to Hit the Road for Labor Day Weekend
The last weekend of summer could be among the deadliest of the year. Experts have predicted more than 450 traffic-related fatalities across the country for the long Labor Day weekend. Why? With gas the cheapest it has been in several years, more people will hit the road. With more cars on the road, the odds of collisions go up. Factor in the recklessness that comes with holiday weekend drinking and you have got a recipe for disaster.
If you and your family are traveling this weekend, experts recommend avoiding driving on Labor Day itself. That day is predicted to be among the worst days for traffic in the entire year. Instead, head home Saturday or Sunday and get as early a start as possible.
Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, with kids heading back to school for the fall semester. Unfortunately, Labor Day weekend is often overshadowed by the huge number of drunk driving accidents that occur over the three day celebrations. Celebrated the first Monday in September, Labor Day honors the American labor movement and the contributions made by American workers throughout history.
First celebrated in Oregon in 1887, Labor Day was not officially recognized as a federal holiday until 1894. Since then, people have celebrated with parades and barbecues and pool parties.
However you decide to celebrate this weekend, try to stay off the roads between the hours of 6 PM and 6 AM. That’s when experts say is the most dangerous time for all drivers, even the sober ones.
Virginia Personal & Wrongful Death Lawyers
The Virginia personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, PC has helped victims of accidents for over 33 years. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you have legal rights. If you’d like to discuss your situation, contact us to setup a free consultation 877-544-5323.