Tips for Older Driver Safety Awareness
Growing old comes with a lot of perks. Along with more free time after retirement, seniors possess a degree of wisdom not shared with younger generations. While there is a lot to like about your golden years, there’s no denying the limitations that so often come with aging. December 3-8 is Older Driver Safety Awareness Week. Use the event as a catalyst for a conversation about safe driving with the seniors in your life. Here are a few tips for aging drivers to keep in mind:
Honestly Reflect on Developing Medical Issues
As we age, health issues become more of a challenge. Sometimes, these challenges begin to impact our vision, our hand-eye coordination, and our brains. Have the aging drivers in your life reflect honestly on how their medical issues have changed their ability to safely pilot their vehicles. This shouldn’t be a one-time consideration, either. As diseases progress, check in with senior drivers about their abilities.
Schedule Regular Eye Exams
Declining eyesight is one of the most common challenges faced by seniors. Make sure the older driver in your life is having their eyes examined regularly. Even if they already wear glasses, it’s a good idea to have the prescription strength adjusted over time. Fail to wear the right eyewear and you’ll run into serious problems on the road.
Consider Retiring from Driving Altogether
Ridesharing apps have made it easier than ever to get around without driving yourself. While hiring a car can be expensive, selling your car and canceling your monthly auto insurance policy can give you the extra cash you need to fund your rideshares.
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The Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, PC has dealt with the insurance companies for over 30 years. We will deal with the complicated legal and insurance issues so that you can focus on getting better. Setup a consultation to discuss your rights. It’s free, and there is no obligation.