Texting Drivers to Pay Higher Insurance Rates

Don't Text and Drive - Injury Lawyer Richard SerpeNew technology could inform your insurance company if you’re texting behind the wheel. Arity, an offshoot of Allstate Insurance, say they are working on developing a tool to monitor in-car smart phone use. The information would be relayed back to your insurance company, informing them of your distracted driving habits. In a statement about how revolutionary the new technology is, Allstate said they may eventually track all drivers’ habits this way, and use the information when deciding how much to charge drivers for insurance.

Minimizing Distractions

Most people are glued to their devices, but there are ways to minimize the temptation to use our phones while driving. Keep your phone in your purse or in the backseat while you’re driving. Turn off the ringer and any noisy app notifications that might spark your curiosity. If you’re using your phone for GPS, turn on the “Do Not Disturb” feature to ensure nothing interrupts your directions. Pull over and put your vehicle in park if you need to make a call or send a text message.

The Cost of Distracted Driving

A study recently found that distracted drivers cost insurance companies 160 percent more than drivers who do not use their phones at the wheel. Since such motorists are more likely to get into accidents, they cost the companies more over time. It will be no surprise when insurance companies begin passing the extra expense on to customers. Experts say this is unlikely to happen anytime in the immediate future, however, as the tracking of smartphone use would need to be approved by regulators.

Virginia Personal Injury Lawyers

Accidents caused by distracted and drunk drivers lead to serious injuries and death every day across Virginia. If you or a loved one have been injured because of someone else’s negligence, you have legal rights. Contact us toll free 877-544-5323 or Click Here To Email Us.