Rear-End Truck Accidents
There is no reason for a large truck to ever tailgate or follow other vehicles too closely. However, this happens day in and day out on highways in Virginia.
The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is well aware of the fact that this is a major concern.
According to the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS), five percent of all truck crashes are a result of a commercial motor vehicle following another vehicle too closely. By simply cutting back on this number, thousands of accidents could be avoided every year.
Safe Following Distance
It is essential that trucks maintain a safe following distance. This gives them enough time to safely brake in the event of an unexpected action ahead.
Here is something to keep in mind: trucks that are driving 40 mph or slower should leave one second for every 10 feet of vehicle length. When the speed of travel is in excess of 40 mph, an additional second should be added.
Poor Road Conditions
In poor road conditions, truck drivers need to adjust their following distance to account for visibility, traffic, rain, snow, etc.
Did you know that the average stopping distance for a loaded tractor-trailer moving at 55 mph is 295 feet? This is only true in ideal driving conditions. In less than ideal conditions, such as in the rain, the stopping distance is much greater.
For comparison’s sake, it only takes a passenger vehicle 165 feet to stop in the same situation.
Virginia Truck Accident Personal Injury Lawyer
These rules exist for our safety. There are too many truck accidents on the road, and too many truck drivers willing to take reckless risks at the expense of everyone else’s safety. As an experienced truck accident attorney, I have seen what these accidents can do first-hand. Trucking is a wonderful way to transport goods around the country, but the fact is, the job needs to be done safely—and that’s why it’s important we have rules to combat dangerous and preventable behavior like driver fatigue.