Crash Map Displays Problem Intersections in Your Neighborhood
A new tool from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles offers users a bird’s eye look at the accidents that happen in their own neighborhoods. The new interactive crash map tool on the DMV website includes accidents that happen throughout the state, but also allows users to zoom in on specific roads they have questions or concerns about. The data can also be filtered by the cause of the accident, including speed, distracted and drunk drivers.
Knowledge is power, and by understanding the problem areas in your own area, chances are good you’ll drive a little more carefully in those portions of the road. That’s what DMV officials are hoping for, at least. Understanding just how many crashes were worsened by speeding vehicles might make you slow down through particularly dangerous intersections, or remind you to ignore the sounds of your cell phone ringing as you drive through an area where distracted drivers have caused collisions.
Seven of the top 10 non-interstate crash locations are located in Hampton Roads. In fact, five of the top 10 accident cluster areas were located in Virginia Beach, with hot spots including Bonney Rd., Columbus St., Euclid Rd. and Independence Boulevard. Hampton also ranked high, with Coliseum Ct. and Coliseum Drive, Kilgore Ave. and Mercury Blvd. among the most common spots for accidents.
Another six of the top 10 interstate crash spots are also located in our region. Norfolk ranked high on this list, with four spots on I-64 appearing in the top 10. You can view the report and the new interactive map tool at the DMV’s website.