Report: Risk of Suicide Doubled in TBI Victims

Researchers in Denmark have found that those who suffer from traumatic brain injuries are at nearly double the risk of suicide as those without TBIs. The study, published in the medical journal JAMA, looked at data culled from 35 years of suicides and those with a history of traumatic brain injuries. The researchers also discovered that the risk of suicide was even higher for those who had suffered severe brain injuries that resulted in numerous medical visits or hospital stays. For those who stay in the hospital for lengthy periods, the risk of suicide is highest in the first six months after being discharged.

“A Fundamental Disruption”

Explaining the link between TBI and suicide isn’t easy. Scientists are still working to understand the connection, but one theory stems from the uphill battle TBI sufferers face in their new normal. “When a brain injury occurs, there is a fundamental disruption in a person’s ability to perform at their best. The longer this disruption persists, the greater the anxiety and pressure build up to ‘go back to normal.’ When that baseline cannot be achieved, especially in the case of more severe TBIs, there is a higher risk of depression and suicide,” Dr. Fadi Tayim told reporters. Simply put, TBI can change a person’s ability to live their life as they once did. That change is enough to spark depression and, in some cases, cause them to commit suicide.

Support for Sufferers of TBI

As we learn more about the connection between mental health and brain health, there is increased awareness of the battle each TBI sufferer faces. Prevention is key, but for those living with TBI, support is the next best thing. If you or someone you love has suffered TBI, consider consulting a brain injury lawyer for guidance on the legal rights afforded to you.

Virginia Brain Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one are suffering from a brain injury caused by someone else’s negligence, we encourage you to speak with our Virginia brain injury attorneys. Failing to hire an experienced brain injury lawyer right away can be a big mistake. There are important steps which can be taken– together with crucial evidence concerning both legal rights and the nature and extent of brain injury.  Setup a free consultation today 877-544-5323